Total is not excited about possble oil price growth above $100

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Total is not excited about possble oil price growth above $100

September 27, 2018 - 11:57
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Total SA joined the growing number of companies predicting oil price growth above $100 per barrel. However, French energy giant is not excited by such perspective, Bloomberg reports.

Oil platform | © Anita Stachurski, CC0 1.0

Total SA joined the growing number of companies predicting oil price growth above $100 per barrel. However, French energy giant is not excited by such perspective, Bloomberg reports.

Among reasons for price spike leaders of Total mention US sanctions to Iran, disruptions in shipments from Venezuela. However, price growth will stimulate competition and result in declining demand. Emerging markets can be hit the most, as weakening currency makes import denominated in dollars more expensive. As a result, this situation may hurt global growth.

This month price of Brent oil grew above $80 per barrel first time in almost four years, as OPEC is not in a hurry to increase output.

Not all market participants are optimistic in regards to oil price growth. Goldman Sachs thinks that the market needs another shock besides Iranian sanctions to make prices rise to three-digit level.

It shall be noted that the US decided not to release its emergency stockpile after sanctions to prevent price spikes.