Stocks of iPhone display makers slump

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Stocks of iPhone display makers slump

May 29, 2018 - 14:15

According to Bloomberg, shares of some iPhone display makers dropped in Asia after Korean Electronic Times announced that Apple Inc. decided to use next generation displays for its new phones next years.

Photo © kropekk_pl, CC0 1.0

According to Bloomberg, shares of some iPhone display makers dropped in Asia after Korean Electronic Times announced that Apple Inc. decided to use next generation displays for its new phones next years.

Shares of Japan Display Inc. went down by 21%, showing the biggest intraday slump since its debut in 2014. Sharp Corp. stocks lost 4,3%. Step of Apple will negatively influence both manufacturers that by this moment failed to set up mass production of OLED screens and currently supply LCD only.

Transfer to using organic light-emitting diodes screens for all iPhones will have difficulties taking into account that Apple sold 216 million devices in 2017.

Samsung Display Co., part of Samsung Electronics Co., is the only supplier of OLEDs to new Apple phones. However, it also supplies screens to its own smartphones and that limits supply.

Analysts expect a shift not earlier than in 2019.

Another major supplier of OLED screens, LG Display Co., is experiencing problems with mass production and unlikely will increase volumes next year. However, shares of the company went up by 5,9%.

Apple issued one of three new iPhones with OLED last years. This year it plans to issue two of three phones with new screens.

Cost of OLED technology is a major concern. Sales of iPhone X with OLED screen were restricted by high price. Transfer to new screens next year might make iPhone unaffordable for mass market customers.

Screens with organic light-emitting diodes represent the future of smartphones, since they give a clearer picture and consume less power compared to LCDs.